Under stable system loads, the software then automatically lowers fan* speed to the optimal setting, decreasing fan noise without compromising performance *Fans need to be connected to the following headers for AI Cooling control CPU_FAN / CPU_OPT / CHA_FAN / M2_FAN / H_AMP / RAD_FANChassis and CPU fans may use either 3pin or 4pin power connectors 3pin connectors are usually used for the smaller chassis fans with lower power consumption 4pin connectors are usually used by CPU fans with higher power consumption Fans and onboard fan headers are backwards compatible · Es geht hier ja sicher auch darum, dass die Lüfter nicht immer volle Pulle am MolexStecker vom Netzteil oder an einem schlecht geregelten 3Pin Mainboard Anschluss laufen Man kann per YKabel

Set Pumps And Fans To Respond To Coolant Temperature Custom Pc Magazine
What is a cpu opt fan
What is a cpu opt fan- · Both fans are 4pin PWM fans as one would expect but prior to fitting this cooler, I was using a cheap, aftermarket 3pin (nonPWM) fan and heat sink which would, of course, run at 100% On the off chance, I connected the splitter cable to CPU_FAN_OPT header and the fans seem to run "normally"However, on the motherboard theres a dedicated header named CPU_OPT that's meant for water cooling

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A computer fan is any fan inside, or attached to, a computer case used for active cooling Fans are used to draw cooler air into the case from the outside, expel warm air from inside and move air across a heat sink to cool a particular component Both axial and sometimes centrifugal fans are used in computers Computer fans commonly come in standard sizes, and are powered and controlled using 3pin or 4pin fanリクエストをありがとうございます。どこで使用しているかの情報を表示したときに見分けがつくことが主な目的です。 cpu optは主に水冷のポンプで使用することまたはcpuが複数個搭載されている場合に使用することが多いかと思います。 sys fanと分けているのはある意味便宜的なものです。 · Although I see the CPU Opt fan in ASUS Suite III Fan expert there is no way, that I can see, that will allow me to adjust the CPU Opt I can fully adjust the "normal" CPU fan I do have the latest BIOS rev and the ASUS Suit III version as well I will try to get a 4pin fan
· → lsslss AI Suite 3 只支援CPU_FAN/CHA_FAN CPU_OPT不行 01/15 1548 → lsslss 但CPU_OPT可由BIOS控轉(需4PIN風扇) 01/15 1548 推 hix 藉標題一問,t40的燈有辦法從bios關掉嗎,單純好奇 01/15 1616 · If your motherboard has an extra CPU header, then you can insert the CPU fan in that header to make it work The main CPU fan header on the motherboard is marked as CPU_FAN, and the extra fan header is generally marked as CPU_FAN2 or CPU_OPT These extra fan headers are generally found in midlevel to highend motherboards · Juli 19 #3 CPUFAN ist der normale und bei deinem Board regelbare Lüfteranschluss Dieser ist immer die erste Wahl CPU_OPT ist ein optionaler (Zusatz)Anschluss (daher der Name) der ggf nicht regelbar ist und für Wasserkühlungspumpen gedacht ist Du kannst natürlich per Splitterkabel mehrere Lüfter an den regelbaren hängen
· Je voudrais savoir aussi si on se branche sur le OPT ou FAN la régulation du ventilateur et la même vu que le Kit Watercooling Antec KÜHLER H2O 6 a une seul alimentation qui alimente la pompe et son ventilateur que j'ai brancher sur le CPU FAN Pour le moment il est sur CPU FAN et sa fonctionne · CPU_OPT is slaved to CPU_FAN Whatever signal is sent to the fan connected to the CPU_FAN header will also apply to the fan connected to the CPU_OPT header There is no need for a splitter for your configuration 0112 PM #72403 · Check the CPU fan's settings in BIOS It can occasionally be used to troubleshoot tech issues and to make sure everything is as it should be Open BIOS, then select Advanced Settings > Hardware Monitor > CPU Fan Enable Active Heat Sink and Fan Duct with Fan Disable Passive Heat Sink and Fan Duct without Fan Save your changes and exit BIOS

Set Pumps And Fans To Respond To Coolant Temperature Custom Pc Magazine

Heatsink Header Types Cpu Opt Cpu Fan And Sys Fan
· Each header should support 34 fans without an issue Of course you would be controlling speed in groups this way All fans on a single header would be treated as a single speed group If you do use the CPUOPT header I'd plug the rear ran into it since it's closest to the CPU and could work in tandem with the CPU fan this way#2 22 Maj 18 0655 daminek1234 daminek1234Cpu fan (hoofd) cpu ventilator cpu opt voor een eventuele extra cpu ventilator sys fan voor ventilator in de behuizing Als je niet weet wat cpu betekent, laat je 't beter over aan anderen

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Set Pumps And Fans To Respond To Coolant Temperature Custom Pc Magazine
· É um conector adicional para ventoinha da CPU que pode ser utilizado para conectar uma bomba de água e configurála para velocidade máxima contínua O OPT Fan é também utilizado para coolers de alta performance que possuem duas ventoinhas 1Este es un Video, en el cual vamos a saber la diferencia entre tres Zocalos que se encuentran en cualquier Tarjetamadre de una PC, que son, CPU/Fan, CPU/OPTВ общем, чистил системник от пыли и наткнулся на разъем cpu_opt Как я понял, к нему подключается кулер под проц, т к он стоит рядом с cpu_fan На проце у меня стоит водяное охлаждение (liqtech 240), а там два кулера, радиатор и помпа

Cpu Fan Error

Cpu Fan Vs Cpu Opt When To Use Which
Yes of course Overall it really doesn't matter;CPU_OPT This header serves the same purpose as CPU_FAN, the only difference is not having a fan connected to this header will not prevent the system from booting, some heatsinks may come with two fans, or may have clips on both sides where a second fan can be connected for a "pushpull" configuration (one fan pushes cool air into the fins, another fan pulls hot air out), it can alsoНа материнке есть cpu_opt,cpufan,cha_fan2 шт ,extfan,hamp_fan,aio_pumpc cha_fan все ясно, обычные разъемы под кулерыС cpu_opt,cpufan тоже для процов ,не ясно с extfan написано ,что можно подключить до 3 кулеров вопрос ,как

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· CPU_OPT (OPTional) es un conector secundario con mismo propósito que el CPU_FAN pero sin la capacidad innata de regulación automática mediante temperatura de la CPU, ya que por norma comparten voltaje debido a este último Esto es un poco controvertido en ciertos modelos de placas base, ya que para ambos conectores muchas BIOS permiten la0617 · A three pin connector is basically power (5/12 volt), ground, and signal The signal wire measures how fast the fan is moving without any controls for the fan's speed With this type, fan speed is typically controlled by increasing or decreasing the voltage over the power wire A four pin connector is a little different than the three pin · CPU_FAN is the primary header and CPU_OPT the secondary Meaning the CPU_FAN signals to the BIOS that there 'is' an operating fan to cool the CPU and it also signals the 'fan' to increase it's fan

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· Nein, Du könntest zusätzlich zum CPUKühler noch einen Kühler (zB Gehäuselüfter) anschließen Na toll, jetzt kommt aber immer (noch) die Fehlermeldung "OPT_Fan Error" beim hochfahren Danach muss ich dann immer ins BIOS oO Und beim Systemstart kommt immer gleich am Anfang eine rote Warnmeldung auf, die ungefähr so aussieht "OPTWhich header CPU_OPT or CPU_Fan Currently I have a Gigabyte Aorus X570 Elite I also have the NZXT x63 280mm cooler The cooler instructions say to connect the Pump 3 pin connector to the CPU_FFan;Adicionado 14 minutos depois Ou eu posso plugar o hub no cpu fan, e plugar a b

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Set Pumps And Fans To Respond To Coolant Temperature Custom Pc Magazine
Cpuファンコネクタの横にcpu opt ファンコネクタがありますがこれはどのようなファンに接続するのでしょうか? またケースファンをつないだらNGでしょうか?CPU opt meaning is CPU optional It is a header that is used to connect some type of wiring for a liquid cooling system Once connected, you are able to control the speed ofAs long as actual CPU Fan is on the main / primary CPU fan header for obvious reasons As you want the proper alert and such if there is a real issue with actual CPU fan

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· cpu opt和cpu fan的区别如下: 两个都是接cpu风扇的,fan是主接口,通过bios设置(支持的话)可以调节风扇的转速之类。 opt则是支持一部分散热器的第二个风扇,有些cpu散热器是有双风24 · La pompa è collegata al CPU FAN (e se non ricordo male, la presa sulla mobo è a 4 pin, mentre il cavo della pompa dell'AIO è a 3 pin), una delle due ventole è su CPU OPT (Optional Fan) in PWM e l'altra su Chassis Fan 3 (il più comodo) sempre in PWM Senonché la ventola su CPU OPT ha sempre fatto rumore a medi regimi · 6) CPU_OPT (Water Cooling CPU Fan Header) The fan header is 4pin and possesses a foolproof insertion design Most fan headers possess a foolproof insertion design When connecting a fan cable, be

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· Eu comprei um Captain 240 EXW, e vi muita gente falando sobre essa entrada CPU_OPT só que não tem na minha placamãe só tem CPU_FAN E SYS_FAN eu poderia plugar a bomba no sys fan e os coolers do radiador no cpu fan?About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators · A priori, en toute logique, le CPU OPT est un connecteur secondaire pour les cas où il y a un deuxième ventilo "CPU" dans les montage en pushpull, donc le connecteur CPU FAN est à utiliser en premier et le CPU OPT est OPTionnel Tu aurais aussi pu regarder dans le manuel de ta CM, ça doit être marqué !

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2518 · PC w stresie zwiększy automatycznie obroty fana podłączonego pod CPU_OPT, czy tak się dzieje, tylko pod CPU_FAN? · Old my old Gigabyte board the CPU fans were set to 100% at all times unless you used 4 pin fans, other fan headers could regulate the speed of both 3 and 4 pin fans iK 47GHz @ 125V No AVX Offset, Asus Maximus X Hero WiFi AC, 32GB GSkill 30MHz CL14,Connect one fan to CPU Fan 1 and the other to CPU Fan 2 / OPT Four Radiator Fans via YSplitters Connect one adapter to CPU Fan 1 and the other adapter to CPU Fan 2 PUMP Its recommended that the pump be connected to an alternative fan header on the motherboard such as System Fan 1, Chassis_Fan 1, or for newer motherboards a dedicated pump

Cpu Fan Vs Cpu Opt When To Use Which

Cpu Fan Cpu Fan And Cpu Opt
Jeśli działa na tych samych obrotach to jazda do BIOSU grzebać!0119 · Bonjour Sholva En général le CPU FAN et CPU OPT sont utiliser pour les ventilateurs destinés à refroidir le CPU CHAN FAN est lui plutôt destinéLe CPU FAN va te servir à brancher le un ventirad par exemple, qui va régler sa vitesse en fonction de la température du CPU Le CPU OPT c'est une prise en plus pour des ventilateurs de façade par exemple, qui tourneront tous à la même vitesse Et le SYS FAN, c'est le bios qui va gérer la vitesse des FANs brancher sur ces prises là

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Doesn't really matter, but you should have the CPU_Fan header used by something or else your PC will get mad and think you don't have a CPU cooler 2 level 2 hold3n19 Original Poster 5 months ago I'll just connect the pump the the cpu_fan header then I1 x CPU Fan connector(s) (1 x 4 pin) 1 x CPU OPT Fan connector(s) (1 x 4 pin) 3 x Chassis Fan connector(s) (3 x 4 pin) 1 x 24pin EATX Power connector(s) The use of trademark symbol (TM, ®) appears on this website means that the word text, trademarks, logos or slogans, is being used as trademark under common laws protection and/or>cpu_optを単独では制御出来ない仕様のようですよ。 なるほど・・・。 cpu_fanとcpu_optが連動制御aとなっているのが気にはなっていましたが そういうことですか。 cpu_fan1とcpu_fan2という表示になっていれば気づいたのですけど。

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0217 · Can i use a CPUOPT header for a regular case fan ? · CPUFan wird Drehzal überwacht (Als Sicherungsfunktion falls der CPU Lüfter ausfällt) 2) Es wird nach der aktuellen Drehzahl nur ein Lüfter richtig geregelt (die · Właściwie, to CPU fan powinien być podłączony jako wentylator, który pracuje ze zmienną prędkością, nie stałą Jeśli działa na tych samych obrotach to jazda do BIOSU grzebać!

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· W teorii CPU_FAN jest od dmuchania w chłodzenie, a CPU_OPT jest do konfiguracji pushpull W praktyce obie to wtyczki do wentylatorów, które są inaczej podpisane Zazwyczaj są one powiązane ze sobą (podnosząc obroty na CPUFAN zwiększasz je także na CPU_OPT) Warto sprawdzić ile jedna wtyczka wstanie uciągnąć (Amper lub Wat)

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